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About Us

Hi, my name is Benjamin Gist.  I have an amazing wife and three little boys.

Our home is just outside College Station, TX. where I’ve built my wood shop.


Most of my adult life has been spent in the maritime trade, living and working on boats.  My passion for wood working came from a large collection of wood working books that I had acquired.  Fortunately a life at sea presented me with time to read and study the craft. It wasn't until becoming a father that I decided to hang up my sea bag, and began honing my skills into a business that allows me to spend more time with my family.

Here at Gist Wood Designs, your furniture is handcrafted of quality materials. Because I find joy  in each piece I make, the finish product reflects a unique craftsmanship that will last your family for generations.

Customer satisfaction is of the highest importance, and is achieved through my passion for the trade.  

We don't just make furniture... we make foundations to build memories!

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